It's good to look back sometimes. It's good to remember those things: the good times and how they could come out of nowhere; the hard times and that they ended; the people and the shapes they chiselled on my heart.
So, allow me a little self-indulgence. Today, I remember...
I remember Lee and Sarah, two blessings all wrapped up in the skins of Irish physios. I was less than excited about being thrown into a flat with people I didn't know, but that would have been different if I'd known what was coming: a lot of cups of tea, Friday nights with America's Next Top Model, Irish brush dancing and more than a little inter-Ireland banter in the world's most poorly insulated house.
I remember people who have welcomed me into their homes, fed me, stopped me from being homesick, shown me around their country, made me part of their families. Special shout out has to go to the Tucks. So Kelly, Stan, Helen, Jase, Abby and Eli, thanks for turning me into Pip McTuck and treating me like part of the furniture.
In case you're in any doubt, I also remember that I've got people that I left behind, in the UK and in South Africa. And I will always remember that sometimes it's worth travelling 18155 kilometres.
There's so much more. Ski trips, Pacific Island adventures, unplanned treks, good food, midnight giggles, paragliding, cats, fellowship, cocktails, questions, the occasional answer, and a whole lot more to come.
Thank you New Zealand. It's been a treat.